Nickie DeTolve

Be Like Bowie

The first time I saw David Bowie I was five-years-old. He was on television surrounded by puppets singing, “Dance Magic Dance.” I had no idea the magnitude of what I was witnessing or what had…

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Dreams, Crucibles & Hot Coals – Rainmakers Dinner LA

Our last Tribal Rainmakers dinner (held at the amazing Hatfield’s in Hollywood) was an exceptional one. In the midst of Dave’s latest crucible, we were able to all gather, share and experience the energy of…

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Being Bipolar and Kicking Ass at Life

Wait, are you talking to me? The June Tribal rainmakers call made me realize why I am able to lead the life I always aspired to. Typically I listen to the Tribal Rainmakers call as…

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There’s a New Coach in the House

You can tell someone is called to a profession when, without much formal training, they are able to hold their own with the best in the field. Harte Logan, a member of our CultureSync team,…

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The Two People, and Three Months, that will Change Your Life

In this week’s CBS Money Watch blog, The Most Important Message to Leaders,  I wrote about three factors of iconic leadership: your core values, great gift, and cross-trained intuition.[br] The challenge you’ll have is that…

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